Monday, August 18, 2014

Infinity - painted Nomads - Intruder

Time for some more Nomads! And this guy has been in the painting line for way too long. Intruder (new sculpt) with combi rifle.

Intruders are just an amazing Nomad unit, and the new design was very welcome over the badly dated old one. I absolutely love this pose and the menace he exudes. So why so long to paint him? Well I tend to paint what I use often, and the HMG loadout always gets more play than this guy. Although now and again I will run him as a lieutenant option.

It's baffling that CB is yet to release the HMG variant, which is by far the most popular across the board. So i'm left with old bowling ball head one until they do. The sniper version is cool, but he is just too expensive and i've had little joy with him.

But anyways, here is hoping this guy gets more play in 3rd edition!


  1. He's always been a strong contender for Lieutenant in Corregidor lists although you are definitely correct that the HMG sees more use. I'm hoping that with the changes to the range bands we'll see less HMGs and more variety. Although after GenCon I'm not so certain of that.

    Oh, and great paint job... as usual! Almost done basing my guys and then back to the painting table.

  2. Cheers! I can't wait for the HMG, which I suspect will be a female sculpt. Even with the changes in 3rd ed I still think camo/MSV2 and HMG is a lethal combo on a BS13 model. But a drop shotgun will definitely find it's way to the painting table. Boarding Shotgun Hellcat comes to mind.

    They really did a fine job of redesigning these guys. I'm still not crazy about the weapon design though.

  3. Have to say I love the way your blue pops on your Nomads, and you're doing them more than justice! I've got some of my Yu Jing primed, but I ALMOST want to put them aside to work on my Nomads.

    Have to say though, while the HMG is popular, I think it will see a decline in use because of the new range bands. I'd rather field a Combi LT in the Intruders. Especially with how LoL will end up working in N3.

    1. Thanks Tim! Big fan of your work too!

      It's a great time to be a Nomad player. CB has done so much great stuff for them of late with Corregidor starter, TAGs and now Icestorm. The level is crazy, every mini is great for them.

      Look forward to checking out your YJ and Nomads soon!

    2. I look forward to it too ;)

      You've also opened my eyes a bit when considering alternative color schemes for Infinity models in general. I know it sounds a bit like a 'duh' moment, but I was a little intimidated trying to choose a color scheme. I feel a little more free now :)

    3. Good to hear! Funny story but originally I was going with the traditional colors of red, black, and white. But the first few test models didn't come out well at all. This scheme was originally intended for a future Eldar army, but decided to use it for my Nomads instead.

      But for my JSA I did play it somewhat safe. :)

  4. Yes, very menacing indeed. Love this sculpt and the way it's painted looks like your scheme was made for it.

    1. Cheers sir!

      Fun fact. This color scheme is also the brand colors for my freelance design business...

  5. Nice paint job and I love the color scheme. I'm not a huge fan of this sculpt myself...too many of the nomads are just standing around when they should be sneaking about. Icestorm figs are perfect!
